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In the School of Liberal Arts, students experience the diversity of George Brown College. Critical thinking skills are developed using various formats including lectures, seminars, placements and online learning. Students from all areas of the college take courses at the School of Liberal Arts, so students are exposed to a wide network of people who will go on to become significant business and social contacts. The Liberal Arts faculty is comprised of a combination of industry professionals and full-time academics. A range of dynamic speakers add to the classroom experience. Some of our previous speakers have included the college’s PEN writer in residence, a union organizer, an Aboriginal Elder, and a women’s rights champion among others.

George Brown’s learning environment has a strong international component. In addition to sharing a classroom with international students from around the world you have several opportunities for international fieldwork and international field trips. You can also take advantage of academic pathways available to various education institutions overseas. The GBC curriculum benefits from our many global partnerships and our credentials are geared towards preparing you for the global marketplace.