Medical Response

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In the event of a medical emergency on campus students, faculty and staff are advised to contact Campus Security at: 416-415-4000 or “0” from any George Brown College internal Cisco phone, if safe to do so.

Or use the Yellow Emergency Call boxes throughout the buildings.

Campus Security and the First Aid teams communicate through two-way radio and both will be dispatched to the call.

Faculty, Students, Staff and Visitors will:

  • Upon witnessing or being informed of a medical situation, contact security or have a student or staff member contact Campus Security at: 416-415-4000 or “0” from any George Brown College internal Cisco phone.
  • If EMS is need call 911 and then notify security otherwise call security.
  • Administer first‐aid if trained and it is safe to do so - Place the victim in the recovery position. Maintain and monitor the victims breathing.
  • If untrained in emergency first aid, keep the victim still and comfortable. DO NOT move the victim. Check for breathing.
  • Look for emergency medical identification and provide all information to SECURITY, POLICE, FIRE, E.M.S. on their arrival.]

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